Home > Archive > Messmore & Damon, Inc. Catalogs


Frankenstein - Original Messmore & Damon catalog photo of Frankenstein that Granville Trimper purhcased for the Haunted House in the early 1970s. This stunt was removed from the attraction in 2006.

Gorilla - A classic from Messmore, this giant stands 10 feet tall and is animated. Its original price in the early 1970's was $1800.

Go-Go Girl & Hippy Guitarist - Both figures, although not scary in nature, are animated. I would be interested to see photos of these figures actually being used at an establishment...

Elephant (description) - Life-sized and in proportion!

Gorilla/The Things (description) - A 9' tall gorilla and animated gruesome heads.

The Finest In Playland Stunts - A one-page ad promoting their most popular products including their complete dark rides, walk thru shows, bally-ho mechanical pieces, kiddyland displays, and fiber glass features.

Mechanical Attractions - Vintage ad from Amusement Business Magazine that lists all of the company's services and offerings.


Sell Sales by Animation 1 | 2 - an article from the April 8, 1950 issue of the Billboard that summarizes Messmore & Damon's impact on the industry and how the company came to be.

Messmore & Damon, Inc.

Dark Ride Stunts - Late 1960s

Messmore & Damon, Inc.

Dark Ride Stunts - 1971 (18" X 24")

Price List - This 1971 price list corresponds with the drawing below.

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